Richard Madsen
Staff Consultant Expert
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Our Privacy statement:
By submitting your info you give us permission to contact you by phone sms and email. All end user’s mobile info will not be shared or sold to third parties for marketing/promotional purposes.
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

Our Agents Are

The Best!

Gain quality Save Money! Online software to control day to day tasks in a timely manner.

Show Me How
  • Why VA Leaders

Replacing the everyday employee with a Dedicated Agent

VA Leaders interviews, trains, and thoroughly qualifies dedicated agents who are committed to helping companies with services like office administration, secretarial work, telemarketing, data entry and more.

How Do I Benefit
  • Crazy Yearly Savings

Save $33,000 a year per employee!

Save employee W2 taxes, sick days, holiday leaves, workers compensation, medical benefits and more!

Your current employee is costing around $25 an hour!

How Do I Manage My Team
How to save $33K per year?
  • Staff & Data Control

Our live Agents & CRM Software will give you full control

  • Billing system for agent hours worked

  • Monitor system where the agents only get paid based on the tasks completed

  • The ability for the agents and company to chat, email, call, and text 24/7

  • Call recording and customized local phone number per agent for calls and SMS

  • Data is backed up to the cloud and available for review at all times

Let’s Start!

How it works?

We will help you make things more efficient for your business and save you a lot of money while doing it, watch this video

Start Working with a Virtual Agent

Start Building Your Virtual Team

Get Started

Our Services

VA Leaders is a proud American Company that works with people around the world to help bring business of all sizes, virtual assistants.

Our experts and specialists can help any company bring down their cost while still performing and providing quality service to their customers.

Telemarketing Specialist

Coordinator Task Specialist

Marketing Expert

Data Entry Specialist

Personal Assistant Specialist

Save $33,000 a Year

About VA Leaders

VA-Leaders was established in 2014 with a vision of helping companies accomplish tasks at a lower cost. VA-Leaders work hard to bring innovative ways to successfully complete the task in mind.

Being involved in many different industries and understanding the importance of the foundation of having quality staff working with and for you. One area we noticed that businesses need to become more creative is in getting quality employees at an affordable rate. That is when we developed the system that would allow us to bring virtual assistance to businesses of all sizes.

Assisting companies to develop a virtual team that will assist you in the daily back-end work that it takes to keep your company working efficiently and successfully.

Interested in saving $33,000 a year?

Let’s Make Things Happen

Contact us to schedule a call so we can understand your business needs and get you the right staff. Most of our clients start working with our agent within 48 hours.

Richard Madsen
Staff Consultant Expert
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By submitting my data I agree to be contacted

Our Privacy statement:
By submitting your info you give us permission to contact you by phone sms and email. All end user’s mobile info will not be shared or sold to third parties for marketing/promotional purposes.
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

Master Staff Services Agreement

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8860 Corbin Ave. #268
Northridge CA 91324